vrijdag 8 januari 2010

Preview on CCC creatures

Hi everyone,

Back from the holidays, and back to work.
As so often lately, I promise to update and fail to reach my own deadline.
There is always something that makes things go differently then planned, pfft. So busy, and hard to catch up with everything at the same time.

But to prove I am almost done. Here is some preview of the dolls.
I am going to make photos, mail you individually and reply to questions as well.
I am still trying to contact miss Charity S. about her Dreaming Bubu. Please let me know what you like for his face-up if you read this :)
Click here for a bigger view

Important note:
Coming Thursday Charles is coming to collect the dolls that are finished. He will take it over from there. Pack them, add items when they were ordered, and then you will finally receive your doll(s).

Sorry for taking so long, but it was a bit overwhelming and hard to plan them all (also because I also have my regular job to attend ^_^ ) They all kinda finished at the same time.

BUT waiting is almost over!

I will try and email everybody tomorrow.



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